OBID Documentation

What is OBID

ONE.Business ID (internal: CIDK) is the core enabler for the VW Group B2B ecosystem. It provides the B2B ID to customers/suppliers of all brands. The main purpose is to onboard and manage commercial customers identities, access and authorization. Beside this core competences it provides other services like user & consent management, support tooling, Fleet Data Provider management.

Users authenticate with OBID rather than individual applications. This means that your applications don't have to deal with login forms, authenticating users, and storing users. Once logged-in to OBID, users don't have to login again to access a different application. This also applied to logout. OBID provides single-sign out, which means users only have to logout once to be logged-out of all applications that use OBID.

How to get started

To get started with your own app, you need to create a client for our approval environment. You can do it by using this self service portal. If you have a VW account, just login from the Home menu and check out our other guides in the documentation section.

If you dont have a VW account, you will need to contact our OBID team.

How to contact OBID team

Our live official communication platform is Slack. You can access it here.